How to motivate your people
Thursday 6th June 2024
08:30am - 04:30pmLocation: Blackburn Wing,
Bowcliffe Hall
One Day Intensive
“How can we motivate the unmotivated?”
This is a question I was asked during a podcast recently. Over the years, I’ve been asked variations on this question A LOT!
Is it possible to motivate everyone?
How do we motivate the unmotivated?
How can we motivate a team if everyone has different drivers?
I’ve also heard leaders reflecting that…
“Motivation is easy when the wind is in your sails and things are going well. But what if it’s not?”.
We’ll be asking and answering these questions and more, during our next masterclass. During the session, I’ll be sharing the “P.E.A.R. shaped motivation” approach that I’ve been using to help leaders, teams and organisations to get more from their people.
We will discover…
- How to create stable and enduring motivation that powers us over the long-haul.
- How to sustain motivation through tough times as well as good.
- How to understand people’s individual motivational drivers.
- How to motivate people by aligning with their individual drivers.
- How to create a motivational environment that engages everyone.
If you’d like to join us, click the link below.
Who is it for?
MDs, CEOs and Senior Leaders who want to drive the performance of their people and their teams!
How much is it?
Just £750.00 + VAT per person.
There are just 12 places available!
To join us, register now by emailing*
The Speakers
Simon Hartley
Simon Hartley is a globally respected sport psychology consultant and performance coach. For over 25 years, Simon has worked with gold medallists, world record holders, world champions, top five world-ranked professional athletes, Olympians and championship winning teams.
Since 2011, Simon has published twelve books, including Stronger Together; How Great Teams Work , Peak Performance Every Time and Motivation is P.E.A.R. Shaped
During the last 20 years, Simon has also applied the principles of sport psychology to business, education, healthcare and the charity sector. This has included projects with some of the world’s leading corporations and foremost executives. He is also an award winning international professional speaker, delivering keynotes throughout the world.
For more information on Simon, please visit