How To Advance The Business From Home

Friday 20th November 2020

02:30pm - 04:00pm


90 minute intensive on Zoom

“We can run the business whilst working from home… but we’re not advancing it from home”.

“When we’re working from home, it’s like we’re treading water. We’re not sinking, but we’re not really going forwards either”.


These are challenges that a lot of business leaders are facing at the moment.

If we can’t get everyone in the same room…

How do we have the strategic discussions?

How can we collectively solve the problems?

How do we enable people to be innovative, creative and drive the business forwards?


During this session, Simon will share a simple five-step approach that allows businesses and organisations to answer these questions whilst remote working. We’ll discover how they create a virtual environment that enables strategic discussion, creative thinking and collective problem solving.


Who is it for?

This session is specifically for

Chief Executives… Managing Directors… Senior Executives



This masterclass is just £50.00 + VAT


There are just 10 places available!

To join us, register now by emailing




The Speakers

Simon Hartley

Simon Hartley is a globally respected sport psychology consultant and performance coach. For over 20 years, Simon has worked with gold medallists, world record holders, world champions, top five world-ranked professional athletes, Olympians and championship winning teams.

Since 2011, Simon has published eight books, including Stronger Together; How Great Teams Work and How to Herd Cats.

During the last 10 years, Simon has also applied the principles of sport psychology to business, education, healthcare and the charity sector. This has included projects with some of the world’s leading corporations and foremost executives. He is also an award winning international professional speaker, delivering keynotes throughout the world.

For more information on Simon, please visit