How to Lead a Virtual or Remote Team
2 hours
Create exceptional virtual & remote working teams.
How do you lead a virtual team?
Everyone is now set up at home.
They are all logging into the networks.
But how do we lead them effectively if we’re not in the same room?
How do we enable them to work as an effective team, if we’re not sharing the same space?
This is the next part of the challenge!
During this session, we’ll discover how incredibly successful leaders build and lead remote, global teams… using virtual platforms.
We will discover how they…
- Create close working environments with remote teams.
- Set standards & expectations, engage their people, maintain productivity and drive performance.
- Create a sense of belonging and a sense of ‘team’.
Who is it for?
All leaders who have a remote or virtual team, and want to ensure they get the very best from them.
** Special Offer **
Use Discount Code “Lockdown20” to get this programme for just £20.