Could I Do That? – A Whistle-Stop Tour


To mark the release of Could I Do That? , here is a gift from me to you. The book aims to help you take on those challenges that are daunting or seemingly impossible. At the end of each chapter there is a short bullet point summary. These five points pull together the most powerful ‘take aways’ from each of the chapters. To give you a ‘whistle-stop tour’, I’ve brought the chapters summaries together in one blog. I hope you find these valuable. 


Chapter One – The Inception

  • Do you have challenges you’d love to take on, but haven’t dared to attempt?
  • How can you bridge the gap that stands between you and what you’d love to achieve?
  • What would happen if you resisted the temptation to squash your ideas? What if you allowed yourself to entertain them for a while?
  • Are your current goals SMARTER or DUMBER?
  • Are you in love with your goals?


Chapter Two – The Why

  • It’s not enough to have a strong reason, you also need to have the right reason.
  • Have you tested your motives? Which ones are central, and which are peripheral?
  • What do your decisions tell you about your priorities? What is important to you?
  • Are you motivated by a desire to be better today than you were yesterday, and better tomorrow than you are today?
  • What are you willing to do to succeed, and what are you not willing to do?


Chapter Three – The How

  • When people embark on challenges, they often have no idea how they will achieve them.
  • Start with questions and curiosity; build on what you do know and can do.
  • The ‘right’ answer for one person is often different than the ‘right’ answer for someone else.
  • Are you happy making mistakes and failing? If no-one was watching, what would you try?
  • Expect change and uncertainty, because it’s the only thing you can confidently predict.


Chapter Four – Diving Into Your Discomfort Zone

  • If you want to achieve something exceptional, “normal” simply doesn’t cut it.
  • If you allow yourself to buy into other people’s perspectives, you could become limited by what they believe is possible.
  • Don’t compare your inside to other people’s outsides.
  • Use your experiences of discomfort to find ways to get better.
  • Overnight success never happens overnight.


Chapter Five – Taking Control

  • Even Olympic champions and world record holders have doubts.
  • Life, like football, is this game of inches. The inches we need are all around us.
  • Focus on the moment; break it down and simplify the task.
  • Don’t be afraid to fail
  • What can you learn from your mistakes and failures?


Chapter Six – It’s Not Just About You

  • Find the right people and the right team, not just your friends.
  • How much are your challenges impacting upon others?
  • Do you seek out critical and sceptical voices?
  • The toughest questions can be the most valuable.
  • What is your authentic response? What do you think?


Chapter Seven – To Quit… Or Not To Quit?

  • Set-backs and doubts are inevitable. Can you see the opportunities to use them and get stronger?
  • Toughness is more than just tenacity and resilience. Composure is a key part of mental toughness.
  • Watch out for fatigue; it affects your moods and therefore your ability to think straight.
  • Do you follow the advice of your ‘quiet voice’?
  • What happens when the bombshell drops? When does a set-back become a show stopper?


Chapter Eight – Is Failing Really Failure?

  • When you feel like quitting, remind yourself why you started.
  • Are you looking for an excuse to quit?
  • It’s not the strongest that survives, it’s the most adaptable. The same is true of plans.
  • If you want better answers, ask better questions.
  • Take responsibility, learn as much as you can and go again!


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