Business Teams


Imagine if your team adopted the six habits of world class teams. Imagine if you had World Class leaders throughout your organisation.

How well could you perform with better business leadership and better teamwork?

Through business leadership coaching, we systematically develop the six habits of world class teams.

  • Executive & senior management teams
  • Global leadership teams.
  • Project teams
  • Specialist business units
  • Entire organisations; from small businesses to global corporations.

“If only I could inject all of my team with the same passion that I have”
“We would be awesome if the whole team was as motivated as the top few per cent”
“I’m sure a lot of the stuff we do as an organisation is pretty ineffective. Is there a way we could eliminate the ineffective stuff and focus all of our efforts, 100%, on the target?”
“This job is 90% confidence. If we could get the guys to be confident all the time, their results would sky rocket”

Have you ever noticed what separates great performers and teams from the rest?

  • They can produce high quality consistently!
  • They are confident, motivated and highly focused.
  • They are passionate, committed, determined and driven.
  • They turn over every stone to get an extra couple of per cent improvement.
  • They have fantastic attention to detail.
  • They are self-critical and constantly looking to raise the standards.
  • They are accountable and responsible.
  • They are composed under pressure.
  • They have mental toughness, resilience and tenacity – they never give up.

Imagine if you had a team of people who also possessed those qualities…

Would it give you better performance?

What difference would it make to the bottom line?