Your Virtual Boardroom

A world-class forum for leaders.


Let’s learn together!

Your problems today were someone else’s yesterday… and will be another person’s tomorrow.


Simple, yet powerful.

Your Virtual Boardroom is a peer-coaching forum for leaders who genuinely aspire to achieve their potential and build organisations they can be proud of.

It is a place to solve problems… overcome challenges… discuss issues, opportunities and dilemmas… share concerns, insights & experiences… and develop our strategic thinking!


It is a unique opportunity to grow!

Become a more strategic thinker.

Join like-minded senior leaders.

Learn from others.

Build strong, lasting relationships.

Overcome your greatest challenges.


How does it work?

Each group meets for two 90 minute sessions per month on Zoom.

We develop your strategic thinking.

We identify the challenges and solve the problems.

Each group is limited to 12 like-minded members.

Membership is by invitation.

Members are always non-competing.

All sessions are facilitated and chaired by Be World Class founder, Simon Hartley.


Even more value!

If that wasn’t enough, we’ll also enrol you into The Podium Club, which includes Special Guest sessions with world class performers and leaders!


What’s the investment?

All this for just £200.00 (+VAT) per month


Joining a Group.

If you’re interested in joining, please email